Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It’s snowing in Idaho. The best I can hope for in sunny Arizona is a nice overcast and maybe some drizzle.

I miss the snow this time of year. I miss the changing colors of the leaves, and I miss getting bundled up to go outside. However, Arizona does have it's advantages. We save tons of money by not buying coats, gloves, hats, scarves, boots, and such. I do not have wet muddy melting snow all over my floors. Not to mention the kids are still riding their bikes to school and I can stay nice and cozy in my pj's. :)

I suppose if I really wanted to enjoy the snow this holiday season I could simply drive north 2 hours and build a snow man there. On second thought... I could just spray paint a few tumbleweeds white and build my own snowman in my front yard.

Well, you go enjoy your hot cocoa and crackling fire, I think I'm going to plant a few things in my winter garden.

Smiles from Surprise,

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Erica Jong said, "If you don't risk anything, you risk more."

So what happens if the only thing you risk is your time, your courage, and your dreams? Is that enough? Scary though it may be, there is a certain amount of risk when entering the world of internet blogging. Who will read it? Will I be rejected? What if no one reads it? What if I am not understood? And yet, these same quetions, in one form or another, plague every person every day every where.

So today I start. Today I blog. Today I too join the millions to proclaim "I blog therefore I am"