Thursday, July 17, 2008

In Your Write Mind... Literally

See what happens when you do a Google Alert for your own stuff? You come up with links like this. Enjoy the story. :-)

New stuff added to my website. I'm learning a lot about Joomla, Affiliate Marketing, and blogging. Oh ... and you can catch me on twitter too... just look for seemediet or NikkiRitter :)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Well, I have been busy busy busy getting my official site up and running. And it's finally here!! You can watch my progress (or not) at With everyone watching surely THIS TIME I'll get healthy and lose some of this weight that is slowly killing me.

So, you might wonder, why a website?
  • Well, I love the Internet and the power thereof.
  • I want to earn a good living thru affiliate marketing and I need a site to do that.
  • Dieting is a HUGE market with a lot of opportunity for affiliate marketing.
  • Nothing else has worked so far so perhaps if millions of people can "see me diet" I'll be inspired to stay on track.
  • Finally, I am robbing my kids of me. I want to be able to play and have fun and being this obese is stopping me from enjoying a lot of the activities that they enjoy.
